Sharing a recent post that really touched home. Thank you Marissa Nguyen for your insight and truth!
Hey MOMS...I need to have a talk with you... yes YOU
. When you have a chance, sit down and read 

I want to share something that's been on my heart recently...
I've heard a handful of times the past few weeks, "I don't know HOW you do it. I can't handle life with 1 {or 2, or 3}, and you ALWAYS seems to have YOUR act together..."
You ready for a glimpse into MY world?
You ready for a glimpse into MY world?
- I still have Halloween decorations up from LAST year.
- I usually don't do a clean down until 20 minutes before I know someone is stopping by.
- I just hit the "dry" button for the THIRD time on the same load of clothes.
- I haven't mailed out my 2014 Christmas Cards yet { read that right}
- During summer, pool time counts as their baths.
- I still haven't unpacked from vacation.
- My 3 & half year old still is not potty trained.
- Two nights ago my kids ate popcorn and applesauce for dinner.
- I mentally respond to text messages.
- We recently put tvs in the kids rooms
- When I saw the bathroom was out of toilet paper...I didn't refill, I simply went to the OTHER one. 
- We ran out of dog food--> so we gave her cat food. 
- We are about 14 loads of laundry behind.
- My bible has dust on it.
- Sometimes I bribe my children with pop tarts.
- I've been known the let dishes sit for 2 days in the sink before I wash them.
- I've locked myself in the bathroom to respond to messages 
- I've youtubed explanations in order to help my 6th grader with math.
- My friends have to hunt me down to get my rsvp for their children's birthday parties
- My house is usually in disarray and if my children have sheets on their beds...well, that's rare 
What I am trying to say is, we are ALL a hot mess behind the scenes. YOU see on FB only what I WANT you to see.
What I am trying to say is, we are ALL a hot mess behind the scenes. YOU see on FB only what I WANT you to see.
It's filtered with INTENT. I believe in putting GOOD and positive vibes out into the world...and until there's a silver lining with certain situations, I DONT post. But I can PROMISE you we are all just holding on doing the best we can.
For about 5 years I was in a season of GIVING. I volunteered for EVERYTHING: Soccer Coach, class mom, MOMS Club President, PTA, PTSO...if you asked I said YES!!!
Parenting has its seasons of GIVE & TAKE. AnhVu Nguyen and I CANT do it all on our own and I will say with confidence that we are currently in a season of ACCEPT & TAKE...we take MUCH MORE than we can give. And you know what? That's OK!!! Someday we will be back into a season of GIVING with time & logistics...but for now, we are surviving.
So to all the amaaaaaaazing mothers out there:
Love you ALL!!! Motherhood is HARD. Continue trek on, warrior Mamas!!! You ARE enough.
We spend way too much time in our pajamas, hair in our faces, and breakfast still on the table when lunch comes around...but it sure is fun! the end of the day- there is no truer reality than this!
Via her post, which can be seen at:
See more from Marissa on her Facebook page...she is great!
See more from Marissa on her Facebook page...she is great!
***Feel free to share this or TAG a fellow mama friend***
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