Monday, March 7, 2016

Monday: A Great Day for a Great 1st Day

Everybody knows what Monday means...the start of a new week. Sigh, I know. Planning, prepping, errands, kids off to school, routines, dance class, baseball practice, doctor appointments, etc. But I have a confession for this particular Monday!

Ssshhhh. Don't tell my Honey...but I had a fantastic day! It was actually easy! I think the girls and I are finally off to a good start. They are getting used to my rules, my routine, my moods, and I am falling right in line with their needs, demands, highs and lows---and not only that, I am completely prepared for them! Okay, okay not completely but definitely on a good track. After working Monday thru Friday, and with the girls in Preschool/Daycare, I think, now that I am home with them, we are all finally getting used to each other...and better for it.

Never did I think that I would be able to swing this SAH Mama thing. Never did I think I could actually handle my girls, all day-every day and truly enjoy it. I not only enjoy it. I thrive on the experiences we are having together. So many life moments that I had been missing. The high-pitched giggles, the random cuddles that last only seconds, the smiles and laughter, the messes-oh the glorious messes, the LOVE.

It has taken almost a month for me to embrace these days. To look forward to waking up in the morning, knowing that I am not leaving the house...and let's be really honest here- I am totally not getting out of my pajamas today, or most days for that matter. But it's amazing! So, for those of you who might be struggling with these wonderful, yet at times mundane day to day life with toddlers, remember a few things:

1. It's okay if you are tired. I'd want to know your secret if you weren't.

2. Still in pajamas and it's 2pm? That's okay. I didn't take a shower today until about an hour before my Hubby got home! Can't let him think I stayed looking like a slob all day right? WRONG! I totally miss a shower on occasion, or several and when he walks in the door, I still get- "You look beautiful honey. What'd you do today?" as he is pulling cheerios out of my hair or wiping some foreign substance from my brow.

3. Don't stress too much while you are picking up the third bowl of spilled fruit loops off of the floor. "No use crying over spilled milk", so says my Mama.

4. Dishes still in the sink from last nights dinner? It's okay, I totally did mine 15 minutes before my MIL (mother in law) popped by after work. Of course my house is always this clean and smells amazing! HAHA yeah right...Thanks Scentsy and Giupetto (our dog). He licks the food off of the floor.

5. Tantrum #6 for the day ain't got nothing on me...oh wait, it's #200 and 8pm and bed time. You would think that bedtime for a 2-year-old is a foreign idea that needs exploring every single night. Hang in there, relaxation in 3-2-1...BREATHE.

6. No groceries and the thought of going to the store entails: shoes, hair, brush teeth oh yeah and pants. Gotta remember to put pants on. Oh, and something other than slippers Mamas. Don't wear slippers out the door! (Yes I have done this. And yes, it's embarrassing, every single time) HeeHee. Sliced cheese and apple sauce for dinner? Sure, why not? Oh and honey, we are having salad. Sorry!

8. Nap time? Don't let them sleep the day away. I know it's quiet. I know you have things to do. But DON'T DO IT! Just yesterday, the quiet was too good- house was clean- and Gossip Girl was on. What happened later in the evening....JUST NOT WORTH IT!

Get the drift? Laugh. Smile. Hug. Love Em. It's the only way to get through the day. And truly, what are they going to remember from when they were little humans? A mama who was there. A mama who played, snuggled and listened. Even if you had your slippers on at Target, cheerios in your hair and lunch on your shirt. They love you. Just love on them.


  1. Did we just become best friends?! If there is one thing I have learned being a SAHM it is don't sweat the small stuff. And the 3 tons of laundry I still have in baskets is totally a small thing.

  2. hahaha...I currently have a load in the wash, dryer (which has been run 4 times since yesterday, and oh let's say 10 loads waiting for me upstairs. Laundry is the bane of my existence! Thanks for commenting!

  3. This is awesome! Wonderful blog :) I really enjoyed this and it gives me hope! :) hope you're doing well!
